Branding is one of the most important aspects of any business in Algeria, whether large or small. small, retail or business-to-business. An effective branding strategy gives you a major advantage in increasingly competitive markets. But what exactly does the term « branding » mean? ? How to create a brand image for your business?
Continue reading this article to find out more.
What is branding?
Branding is the process of researching, developing and applying a characteristic or feature. a set of distinctive characteristics about your organization, so that consumers can begin to associate your brand with your products or services.
Branding is an iterative process that requires getting in touch with the heart of your customers and your business. It is important for many reasons, which you will discover later.
The importance of branding
Branding can be the deciding factor for consumers when making a purchasing decision. In a 2015 global survey by Nielsen, nearly 60% of shoppers said they actively buy from brands they know, and 21% said they purchased a product because they loved the brand.
Branding gives your business an identity beyond its product or service. It gives consumers something they can relate to and become attached to.
Branding makes your business memorable in Algeria. It’s the face of your business and helps consumers distinguish your business across all media.
Branding supports your marketing and advertising efforts. It allows your promotion to be more impactful through increased recognition and impact.
Branding brings pride to your employees. When you brand your business, you’re not only giving it an identity, you’re also creating a reputable and highly regarded place to work. A strong brand image attracts strong employees.
How to work on the branding of your company in Algeria
1. Determine your target audience
Branding is a source of notoriety, recognition, trust and income. We have already talked about that. But let’s take a step back and understand where these elements come from: consumers. And not just any consumers – your target audience and customers.
If your brand doesn’t resonate with your audience, it won’t drive that awareness, recognition, trust, and revenue. This is where target market research comes in.
Before you put pen to paper (or cursor to digital document), you need to understand who your brand will appeal to. Who is your product aimed at? Who is your ideal customer? Why did you start your business in the first place? This is crucial for your branding.
What you learn about your target market and buyer personas will influence your branding decisions, so make this step your first priority.
2. Establish your mission statement
Let’s return to a question asked in the previous step: Why did you start your business? The answer to this question will help you develop your mission statement, which defines your purpose and passion as an organization. This is the second step of your branding.
Before you can create a brand that your audience recognizes, likes and trusts, you must be able to communicate the purpose of your business. Then, every element of your brand (logo, tagline, imagery, voice, and personality) can reflect that mission and vision.
Your mission statement is a building block of your brand manifesto, which explains why your organization exists and why people should care about your brand.
3. Define your unique values, qualities and advantages
In Algeria, there are probably a lot of companies in your sector and niche. It’s easy to focus on the competition (and there is a time and place for competitive analysis), but, for now, let’s focus on you.
What is the one thing your company has that no one else can imitate? Your mark.
This is why you need to ensure that your brand is composed and inspired by elements that are unique to you: the values, benefits and qualities that make your business unique. This is the third point you need to focus on for your branding.
4. Branding: create your visual assets
At this point, you should know your target audience, your mission statement, and the unique qualities of your business.
If you can confidently say you’ve mastered these steps, it’s time to move on to one of the most exciting parts of branding – visual design. Here we’re talking about your logo, color palette, typography (fonts), iconography, and other visual components.
As you create these elements, develop a set of branding guidelines (or branding guide) to govern the composition and use of your visual assets. This will ensure that anyone using your new branding does so accurately and consistently. Check out the HubSpot branding guidelines for your reference.
5. Branding: find your brand voice
Next, think about the auditory component of your brand. What would your brand look like if you had a conversation with it, or if it texted you?
How you communicate with your target market is also part of your branding. You want to define a brand voice that connects and resonates with your audience – otherwise, they probably won’t pay attention to it. For this reason, do not hesitate to return to the first branding step to familiarize yourself with your contacts in Algiers.
Whether it’s your ad campaigns, social media captions, blog posts, or brand story, make sure your tone is consistent throughout. your written content. Give your audience a chance to become familiar with your brand and learn to recognize the sound of your voice. Better yet, master a fun, entertaining voice, and your customers will look forward to your social media and email updates.
6. Put your brand into practice
Your branding only works if you put it into practice. Once you have finished designing and creating your branding (or your new brand image), integrate it into every part of your business in Algiers. Make sure it is displayed wherever your business reaches customers.
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