
Les différentes étapes de conception d’une charte graphique – Un guide complet !

Les différentes étapes de la conception de charte graphique

The graphic charter design is the first thing that your customers will associate with your brand or service, so it is a step very important in the process of creating your business in Algeria.

It represents the different graphic fundamentals which reflect the soul of a company:

  • Its logo
  • Its colors
  • The font
  • Typographies, and its different distinctive signs

It is through this  » portal  » visual that you will manage to convey your values, to be quickly identifiable, credible and to define the tone and the relationship that you wish to have with your customers.

You will have understood: the design of a graphic charter is one of the keys to success for the future of your brand in Algiers.

Such responsibility requires skills! In the digital age, where a large number of tools and platforms allow everyone to claim to be an artistic director, it is however not recommended to design a graphic charter by yourself, unless to have real experience as a graphic designer, at the risk of harming your brand image and losing credibility.

If the visual identity is a tasty mix of shapes and colors capable of establishing a dialogue with your customers, a good graphic designer is a person with a strong sense of creativity and ability. great listening skills. He knows how to quickly identify your needs and support you through several distinct stages.

What is graphic design?

What is graphic design?
Source: YouTube

1. Identity Basics

A graphic charter is the « ten commandments » of your visual identity. It explains how and under what conditions your logo and visual elements can be used. It contains all the rules described in detail below and explains the creative choices behind them. It also includes the visual documentation and templates to apply your identity consistently.

It is useful internally, but also externally, so that your colleagues have clear graphic guidelines to work with you. Your graphic charter will ensure the consistency and harmony of all your communication channels, in particular:

2. The logo

A logo is the graphic symbol of your company or project. The charter sets out the rules relating to its proportions, size and positioning in relation to other elements (text, titles, margins, etc.).

3. Typography

Typography is the style and appearance of a document. The charter defines the layout rules, including the length and spacing of lines, the type and size of fonts.

4. Colors

The work of graphic design includes the selection of specific colors for you in order to produce the greatest awareness and recognition of the brand . Because colors print differently on different media, the design guideline provides detailed rules for printing on digital, print, and physical media.

5. Graphic elements and icons

You can use a mascot or graphic element different from your logo. The graphic design defines rules for its proportions, its size and its positioning in relation to other elements.

6. Use of images, illustrations and photographs

You may have specific images, illustrations and photographs associated with your identity. The graphic charter design defines them as well as the rules for their use, in particular their proportions, their size and their positioning in relation to other elements.

The different stages of graphic charter design

The different stages of graphic charter design
Source: Lifewire

1. Graphic charter design – step 1: analysis and creation of 3 options

Do you know how you want to be perceived by your customers, what type of target group you want to reach and what values ​​you want to convey in Algeria?

If so, it’s perfect! In this first step of graphic charter design, we will gather ideas, observe potential competitors and find visual concepts that refer to your brand, your values ​​and your personality (for example: if you want to attract attention (a high-end clientele, you may need to aim for rather minimalist and delicate designs).

This is a stage where we analyze and dissect, before developing further and comparing different ideas. Through associations of images, colors, typographies and sketches, we will be able to present you with several coherent, intelligent and aesthetic ways to translate your message.

2. Graphic charter design – step 2: refine and develop

Once the suggestions have been made, based on feedback, the designers refine and develop the concept.

Most of the time we combine two tracks together. We develop them through the concrete creation of several logos and graphic charter creation drafts (i.e. the graphic elements, colors and typographies that could be used in your logo).

In general, designers in Algiers offer three graphic revisions, which allow you to gradually and confidently adopt your new visual identity.

3. Graphic charter design – step 3: your files delivered in the appropriate formats

Once the logo and its graphic charter have been validated, the designers give you a document specifying the color codes to use as well as the typographies and, where applicable, certain ratios to respect (for example, when creating packaging ).

You will then receive your logo in its original formats and in those that best suit your needs. This is the penultimate step in creating a graphic charter. 

4. Graphic charter design – step 4: deployment on all your media

Finally, if you wish to go further, it is possible to display your visual identity on numerous supports such as flyers, posters, business cards, brochures, website interfaces, packaging, etc. according to the codes specified in your graphic charter.

Designers can offer you, depending on your needs and your budget, solutions ranging from the simple creation of a logo to the creation of multiple communication media. This is the last step in creating a graphic charter. 

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Fan Digital Marketing

Agence web de Marketing Digital située à Alger, Algérie

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